For NJ DWI Call (856) 429-2323

For PA DUI Call (215) 496-9292

How Does Having All This Training Help In Defending Cases?

Going through all of this training on field sobriety testing, drug recognition training, blood testing, urine testing and other solid dose drug testing can be very beneficial for an attorney and his client. This training provides essential information in understanding as much as possible about how the prosecution is going to present its case. With this training, a defense attorney can be better prepared than the prosecutor. This provides a tremendous advantage in litigating a case.

However, all of this training is useless, unless the attorney actually goes to court and takes all of this information and uses it to defend his clients. A lawyer can go through hundreds of hours of training and become as knowledgeable as anyone else in this field, or even more knowledgeable for that matter. But it is meaningless if he just goes into court and pleads clients out instead of fighting for them. When the attorney fights for his clients, he is often required to take the case to trial and force the State to bring in its witnesses. The attorney needs to put the witnesses’ feet to the fire. And the only way to do that properly is by having the knowledge, training and experience of cross-examining witnesses. Additionally he needs to have the experience of presenting his own expert witnesses and being able to deal with the curve balls that are thrown at him during a trial.

The more times that an attorney gets into court and tries cases, the better that attorney is going to be. That should be one thing every client wants to know about someone who is going to be representing him or her. How experienced is this attorney in handling this particular case? This experience should not only cover what is done prior to trial but at trial as well. An attorney cannot expect that a case is just going to be dismissed before going to trial. Though dismissals do occur, and they happen often with the best attorneys, even the best attorneys always start the case with the mindset that they’re going to fight it to its final conclusion, and that means going to trial. That means cross-examining witnesses and making sure that the State does its job properly. It’s surprising to see how often State’s witnesses are unprepared to testify at trial.

An experienced attorney knows how to properly cross-examine and dig deep into that witness’ testimony to unearth all of the flaws in the State’s case. As an attorney, you can’t just read a report and assume that the information in it is accurate or can be conveyed in the same way it is written in the report. A lot of witnesses have a difficult time verbalizing what they wrote in the report, and some of these witnesses just write boilerplate information. In other words, they’re cutting and pasting information that they’ve put in every report regarding a New Jersey DWI charge. These people are rarely questioned about this information, unless called to testify at trial. Additionally, police officers rarely are questioned concerning how they improperly administered field sobriety tests.

Does Having The Knowledge To Effectively Cross-Examine Witnesses Lead To Better Results For Clients?

Attorneys are not born with the ability to effectively cross-examine. These skills have to be honed. Even with all of the reading, studying, laboratory learning and classes, the skills only becomes solidified when used in a trial scenario. The attorney needs to develop methods for presenting a client’s case, for attacking field sobriety tests, and for attacking breath testing or blood testing. Then, that attorney will be able to understand how the State typically proceeds when putting on these prosecutions and how to address any surprises during a trial. That ability only comes from the experience of taking cases to trial. Trainings And Certifications Help DWI Attorneys Defend DWI Cases Better.

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NJ DWI Call: (856) 429-2323 

PA DUI Call: (215) 496-9292

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