For NJ DWI Call (856) 429-2323
For PA DUI Call (215) 496-9292
After an arrest for a DUI, the police will routinely ask a driver to submit a blood, breath, or urine sample for testing. If a driver refuses to provide the requested sample, an officer will forward to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation a Notice of Refusal form. Once the refusal form is received, PennDOT will forward a notice of suspension to the driver. The refusal suspension is for a minimum period of 1 year.
A driver has a specific amount of time to file an appeal of the refusal suspension. After an notice of appeal is filed, the court will schedule a hearing. Successful appeals of the refusal suspension result in the restoration of driving privileges.
Request A Consultation For
NJ DWI Call: (856) 429-2323
PA DUI Call: (215) 496-9292