For NJ DWI Call (856) 429-2323

For PA DUI Call (215) 496-9292

  • By: Kevin Leckerman, Esq.
  • Published: January 30, 2012
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When charged with a DWI in New Jersey, the potential penalties for a conviction are severe. The period of license suspension will range from 90 days to 10 years, depending on the number of previous DWI convictions. Time in jail ranges from 30 days to 6 months. Additionally, there are tremendous financial penalties in the form of surcharges, fines, and monthly fees for an ignition interlock device. That is why finding the best DWI defense attorney for your case is essential.

There are numerous factors that should be taken into account when trying to find the best DUI lawyer. Typically, the cost of representation is the first factor on people’s minds. Common sense dictates that the best professionals in a particular field will charge more for their services than less competent professionals. That is why it is unrealistic to expect that the best lawyers or even good ones will come at a cheap rate.

Experience is another essential factor to be taken into account when choosing an attorney. The best DWI attorneys should have experience from handling hundreds, if not thousands of DUI cases over many years. In addition, the best lawyers will have received extensive training in various areas of DWI defense. These areas include field sobriety testing, breath testing, blood testing, and drug use recognition tactics utilized by the police.

Moreover, the best DWI attorneys will routinely present teaching seminars to other attorneys concerning the ways to defend DUI charges. In this sense, why hire the attorney who learns from the best when you can hire the best?

Finally, the best DWI attorneys will make sure that no stone goes unturned when seeking ways to attack a DUI prosecution. Years of experience and training are the tools that the best lawyers use in order to ensure that every defense is asserted; even new and novel approaches that other attorneys fail to explore.

Your license, freedom and job may be on the line. So, make sure that the decision in finding the best DUI lawyer for your case is the right one.

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Leckerman Law focuses on safeguarding the
rights of individuals charged with DUI, DWI, DAI, and
other alcohol-related criminal offenses - Call Us Now For
NJ DWI (856) 429-2323 | For PA DUI (215) 496-9292

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